Nick is the London Correspondent for the leading Cryptocurrency news site CoinTelegraph where he is known as The Sage of Shoreditch. Many of his articles focus on the need to embrace Blockchain strategies, the validity of ICOs and the ins and outs of Tokenomics, raising topics that provoke discussion and cutting through the Fake News..
In his writing on Blockchain and Cryptonomics, Nick Ayton brings an insider’s perspective combined with an analytical eye, a willingness to call out mistakes and controversies where he sees them and the wisdom of four decades of experience in tech related-business.
Nick is also researching and writing a book on Blockchain Design and Implementation Strategies.
Notable Fintech Influencers 2018
List created by Aimee Blondlot on Apr 2018
Influencer Ranking
Author on The Coin Telegraph
Interview With Blockchain Thought Leader Nick Ayton
10 Blockchain Industry Thought Leaders to Follow
Can blockchain prevent climate change? Living Offset hope to achieve this
“If you want to know about Ethereum, Bitcoin and Blockchain, Nick is your man. He has written extensively on the subject of Blockchain Operating Models, and on the evolving cryptocurrency and digital asset industries around the planet.”